dimanche 9 août 2015

5 ways to get back your creativity in design

Have you ever tried to design something but something called 'creativity' were absent? Have you ever wondered why your brain is stuck in a place where it's dark cold and empty?
Don't worry it happens to the best of us and WE have the solution for you,  here are 11 ways to get rid of the 'stuck overflow'.

1-Sketches, sketches and more sketches!

Sometimes our ego is bigger than our brain and we can't admit that sometimes it happens to loose our tracks if we don't write it down on paper, that's why the more you take notes the better you memorize your stuff.
So you don't lose your train of thoughts always write down what you think

2-Forget about late morning!

It might look better if we add-up some extra time to our morning, but it's not! in fact the more you have early morning the more dynamic and CREATIVE you are, so get out off your bed, have a cup of cup and bite your day like delicious donuts.

3-New is always better !

As barney said, it is a rule, and it is true, new is always better, don't stay at home Jerome, go out and look for inspiration, getting involved into new activities may help you change some air and get inspired.

4-The brainstorming process!

Don't be afraid to sit around people and start questioning them, brains in a storm are the heart of all creative making. Organize round tables, get in people with different ways of thinking, and ring the bell to let the fight begin.

5-Who said games can't make you more creative ? 

Word games are the best generator of inspiration, imagination and creativity, don't ask yourself twice, get a newspaper and do your crosswords, it will help you for sure to unleash the dragon named 'CRATIVITY' and his fire will be your Ink. 


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