mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Muse Studio: How to create an animated Gif with Photoshop

Muse Studio: How to create an animated Gif with Photoshop:   You probably have been searching for a special  app or website that creates animated GIF such as  Gifmaker or make a Gif, ever since you...

How to create an animated Gif with Photoshop

 You probably have been searching for a special app or website that creates animated GIF such as Gifmaker or make a Gif, ever since your discovered those funny tiny small animated images or videos on 9gag and other humouristic websites.

 If you’re reading this, you already know how LEGEND wait for it DARY animated GIFs are. If you have an idea in your brain, an image stucking in your head and you want to let people know how you are thinking, one simple thing to do! MAKE A GIF, we have put here a great guideline tutorial to go through the process and get your GIF up and looping in just a few minutes.Before we dive right in to the tutorial, we’ll address the master of lies, the best friend of skinny girls, the one and only king in the room: Photoshop.

 There are other ways to do it and other programs that can make GIFs, but few can compare to Adobe’s industry-leading software. If you don’t have Photoshop, we recommend checking out GifMaker, 9gag Gif maker or Photoshop's homologous Gimp. If you’re on an Ios or Android device, check out GifBoom and mny other websites, But if you want to get serious about making GIFs, PhotoshopHow to make an animated GIF with still images:
You can also create animated GIFs in Photoshop by stringing together still images. This process consists of layering each frame the bottom up and then sequencing the layers using Photoshop’s animation/timeline tool.

Step one:

Collect the still images that you want to sequence for your GIF and put them in a single folder. Check out our guide on how use a MAC or a PC to take screenshots like a pro. Then open File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack. From there, click Browse and select the images on your desktop that you want to string together into a GIF. Select “OK” and a new composition should open with these stills now rendered as individual layers in a single image. Arrange them accordingly; your first frame should occupy the very bottom layer and so forth.

You can also create each layer individually in Photoshop itself, rather than simply batch uploading your stills as layers. Run Photoshop and create a new image by clicking File > New and then selecting “OK.” Then, unlock the background layer by double-clicking the lock icon, create a new layer by opening Layer > New… > Layer and design each frame accordingly. Again, string your animation from the bottom up. This process works if you are using an older version of Photoshop that does not feature a “Load Files into Stack” option. Simply load your stills into Photoshop, drag them into your new project, and resize the newly created layers accordingly using Photoshop’s free transform tool (edit > free transform or Ctrl + T, then drag the corners to resize the object).

Step Two: 

Now that you’ve arranged your layers accordingly, you can began sequencing your layers. Again, this process will vary depending on what version of Photoshop you are using. For Photoshop CS5 and lower, access the animation window by opening “Window” + “Animation.” Likewise, click “Window” + “Timeline” in Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CC to access the Timeline window. For Photoshop CC, click the drop-down menu in the middle of the Timeline window and select “Create Frame Animation.”
Once you’ve opened Photoshop’s sequencing tool, click on small, right-facing arrow in the upper-right hand corner, and then select “Make Frames From Layers.”You can also click on the right-facing arrow to create a new frame manually (or you can simply use the hot-key command Ctrl>Shift>Alt>F). From there, use the eye icon next to each layer to hide the layers you don’t want to appear in the frame you’ve created.From here, use the menu underneath each frame to toggle its duration. The menu in the bottom left-hand corner dictates how many times your GIF will replay — set it to “Forever” if you want it to loop endlessly.

Step Three: 

Congratulations! You’ve created an animated GIF using still images and now all you have to do is export it out of Photoshop using the process outlined above. For a quick recap:Head for File > Save for Web. Remember to keep your GIF no larger than 1MB. If necessary, tweak the color, dither, loss, and size settings until your GIF has been resized accordingly. Once you’re happy, save your newly minted GIF.

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mardi 18 août 2015

Windows 10 The question remains, should i upgrade or not ?

Windows 10 The question remains, should i upgrade  or not ?

 Here are the best not 10 but 9 features of the upcoming operating system. 

Microsoft had a lot to say during its January briefing and gave a look at what Windows 10 will look like in terms of end user features and the final version is now here. 

1-It's free
One of the biggest new developments in the Windows 10 story is that it will be completely free to upgrade. Microsoft made this announcement at its January event in Redmond. The firm has said it will be available at no charge for the first year (although it may end up extending that) for Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 users. It will also be free if you're still running Windows 7.
However, it's not quite as simple as it might appear.

2-Start Menu
As we knew prior to the January briefing, Windows 10 will mark the return of the much loved Start Menu. In the latest build shown, it has some updated graphics and can optionally go full-screen. Half of the menu looks pretty much like it did in Windows 7 but there's the obvious addition of Live Tiles.

As we expected, Cortana is one of the headline features of Windows 10 – at least as far as Microsoft is concerned. The digital assistant, which rivals Siri and Google Now, has been available on Windows Phone for a while will come to PCs and tablets.
Cortana will sit next to with the Start button on the desktop, but you can invoke it by saying "Hey Cortana". You'll also be able to edit the things that Cortana knows about you to improve the service it provides. Typing to interact is also an option and you can request "show me photos from December" or "Show me PowerPoint slides about the charity presentation".

4-Xbox app and streaming
There's good news for gamers as not only with the Xbox One get Windows 10 (including Universal apps – see below), Microsoft has introduced some sweet new features. Windows 10 will come with the Xbox app (although there was no mention of Windows 10 for phones getting it) which has features like the ability to control the Xbox One and a DVR capture for any Windows games.
Furthermore, you'll be able to play multiplayer games cross-platform between Xbox One and PC. As if that wasn't enough, Windows 10 will support the ability to stream games from the Xbox Box – although we don't have details on the technical requirements for this yet. Oh and there's support for DirectX 12.

5-Universal apps
The news of Universal apps is good news for anyone using more than one Windows device. A bundle of apps including Photos, Videos, Music, Maps, People & Messaging and Mail & Calendar (and presumably more in the future) will look and feel the same across different devices and screen sizes. The data will also be saved and sync automatically via OneDrive.

6-Edge browser
Microsoft's new web browser is called Edge, formally 'Project Spartan' and will replace Internet Explorer in Windows 10. It's been built with 'interoperability' in mind, according to Microsoft. Features include a reading mode and the ability to annotate, either with a keyboard, pen or a finger. There's also integration with Cortana to provide additional information – for example, when you're on a web page for a restaurant Cortana will make a booking and display information such as opening times.

Thanks to the Windows Insider program, Microsoft is making changes suggested by Windows users around the globe. Since Windows 10 runs across all devices, the OS will have unified settings. That means the end of separate control panel and PC settings. There's also the Action Center now provides notifications and is synchronised across devices.  

8-Windows Phone
It looks like the death of Windows Phone is near as Windows 10 will arrive on Windows Phone devices when it launches. Microsoft has given no other name for it running on smartphone and small tablets.
In general it looks much the same as Windows Phone 8 but with tweaks. As mentioned above, Action Center is synced with your other devices and the app menu will show recently installed apps at the top. Two cool new additions are the ability to float the keyboard around the screen and reply to message notifications in-line.

This one might be somewhat far off and futuristic, but Windows 10 is the first holographic computing platform. A set of APIs will mean developers can create holographic experiences in the real world.
It's more like augmented reality to us but it's certainly interesting. It will work with the HoloLens which Microsoft calls the world’s first untethered holographic computer (it doesn't need to connect to a PC to work).


dimanche 9 août 2015

5 ways to get back your creativity in design

Have you ever tried to design something but something called 'creativity' were absent? Have you ever wondered why your brain is stuck in a place where it's dark cold and empty?
Don't worry it happens to the best of us and WE have the solution for you,  here are 11 ways to get rid of the 'stuck overflow'.

1-Sketches, sketches and more sketches!

Sometimes our ego is bigger than our brain and we can't admit that sometimes it happens to loose our tracks if we don't write it down on paper, that's why the more you take notes the better you memorize your stuff.
So you don't lose your train of thoughts always write down what you think

2-Forget about late morning!

It might look better if we add-up some extra time to our morning, but it's not! in fact the more you have early morning the more dynamic and CREATIVE you are, so get out off your bed, have a cup of cup and bite your day like delicious donuts.

3-New is always better !

As barney said, it is a rule, and it is true, new is always better, don't stay at home Jerome, go out and look for inspiration, getting involved into new activities may help you change some air and get inspired.

4-The brainstorming process!

Don't be afraid to sit around people and start questioning them, brains in a storm are the heart of all creative making. Organize round tables, get in people with different ways of thinking, and ring the bell to let the fight begin.

5-Who said games can't make you more creative ? 

Word games are the best generator of inspiration, imagination and creativity, don't ask yourself twice, get a newspaper and do your crosswords, it will help you for sure to unleash the dragon named 'CRATIVITY' and his fire will be your Ink.

jeudi 29 mai 2014

Le minimalisme

Le minimalisme (ou art minimal) est un courant de l'art contemporain, apparu au début des années 1960 aux États-Unis, en réaction au lyrisme pictural de l'Expressionnisme abstrait et en opposition à la tendance figurative et ironique du Pop Art. Le Minimalisme est l'héritier du Modernisme, et plus particulièrement du Bauhaus. Il fait sienne la maxime d'un des grands représentants du Bauhaus, Mies Van der Rohe: "less is more". Parmi les grands représentants du Minimalisme, il faut citer les sculpteurs Robert MorrisCarl Andre, et Donald Judd, les peintres Frank Stella et Sol Le Witt, et les musiciens La Monte YoungTerry Riley et Philip Glass. Ces artistes ont en commun de privilégier le dépouillement formel, le réductionnisme et la neutralité.
La définition de la notion d'Art Minimal a été donnée à la fin de l'année 1965 par le philosophe analytique anglais Richard Wollheim dans Arts Magazine au sujet d'une exposition à la Green Gallery de New York.

dimanche 25 mai 2014

La charte graphique

La charte graphique définit les bonnes pratiques d'utilisation de votre image de marque, elle reflète ainsi votre professionnalisme